Analysis / Reporting

Descriptive Statistics / Multivariate Methods

Multivariate analyses are just as much at home in our portfolio of services as descriptive statistical methods. Irrespective of the complexity of the analysis technique employed we translate the generated statistical parameters into a highly communicative format that is equally accessible for non-experts.

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Segmentation / Typology

Segmentation methods are an important component when exploring target groups. We combine various multivariate classification methods to provide your company with an individual customer typology as a strategy guide and give recommendations on how to address your customers in each of the specific segments.

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What-if Simulation

Based on conjoint analyses, we simulate your and your competitors products’ shares in preferences. This indicates which preference shares and elasticities should be expected on the market and allows you to define the strategic advantages and disadvantages of different products.

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Tag Clouds

«OpenTags» is a web application for the rapid analysis of open-ended responses. You receive a quick overview on the frequency with which words are mentioned, or entire responses are provided, to open-ended questions. The tag cloud analysis also processes the intonation of open-ended comments.

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